Ayurveda is one of the most ancient ways of treating and curing diseases. Ayurveda says that the food we eats act like a medicine. Well health organic ayurveda shares all the interesting facts about the ayurveda. Just tie your seatbelts and delve into all the interesting facts about it. Although ayurveda is a vivid subject and it cannot be explained in a single content. But we will have a basic knowledge of ayurveda that will help you to learn it from the beginner level.
What is well health organic ayurveda?
Well health organic ayurveda is an art of living your life while syncing with the nature and the environment. This concept is based on living your life while taking care of the environment and nature. Ayurveda is a science that cures all the diseases without operations and surgeries. It is also known as holistic science of life that is synchronized with the nature and helps in natural healing.
What are the basic princliple of well health organic ayurveda?
The ayurveda works with the environment clock. When the sun rises our body starts producing the bodily fluids. When the sun is on the peak, our digestive fire is on the peak. As the sun goes down, the digestive fire gets lessen so it is advised by the ayurveda practitioners to eat the heaviest meal of the day in afternoon between 12 pm to 2 pm and when the sun goes down, it is advised to eat small portion of warm food that is easily digestible. We will talk about this in detail in the remaining content.
What are the different prakritis shown in well health organic ayurveda?
Well health organic ayurveda divides all the people mainly in 3 different categories-
- Pitta
- Vatta
- Kapha
But these are sub divided into more categories as there are some people with the mixed categories and shows the symptoms of 2 different-
- Pitta – Kapha
- Kapha – Vatta
- Pitta – Vatta
What are the 7 different dhatus in well health organic ayurveda?
- Chyle
- Blood
- Muscle
- Fat
- Bone
- Marrow
- Semen
Wrong combinations of food according to well health organic ayurveda-
There are various wrong food combinations that can cause adverse effects on our body if we eat them in long term. Some of the majorly eaten wrong food combinations are mentioned below. You can have a glance at them. If you do not eat that wrong combination then that is too good for you but if you eat these then stop eating it from today as it can severely damage your body in long term.
Salt with milk-
Salt and milk is the worst combination together. But people are mad for it completely as there are various food varieties of food that includes milk and salt together such as white sauce pasta, cream over the vegetable, milk or tea with parantha. People are getting addicted to the creamy gravy so that is why they like to add cream into the gravy to make the curry more delicious. But there are so many adverse effects of eating such food items in long term. You will not notice any effect immediately after eating it. But you will notice it after some weeks as it acts like a slow poison to your body. After some weeks of eating this combination together you will start feeling itching on your body, constipation and so on.
Cucumber with tomato-
Both cucumber and tomato has opposite properties to each other. The cucumber is rich in water content and has a cooler prakriti whereas the tomatoes have heating properties. When both are eaten together in the form of salads, causes indigestion, gas, bloating and the food starts to rot in the stomach.
Tulsi with milk
As an Indian I have drunk the tulsi tea in all the winter seasons. But do you know well health organic ayurveda says that tulsi and milk are not compatible together. So if you are planning to make tea, then decide the ingredient that you want to add in your tea. If you are planning to add tulsi then avoid adding milk and if you want to enjoy milk tea, then avoid adding tulsi leaves to it. It is believed by ayurveda that the tulsi and milk both are of different prakriti so that is why when they both are used together, they act as a poison.
Milk and Jaggery
Milk is known as the coolant. The prakriti of milk is cooler and the jiggery is used in winter because of its warm prakriti or heating effect. Thus these 2 are not a good combination to eat together. If you will drink this combination together for a longer period of time, then you will face various skin issues on your body.
Today we have described a little about the ayurveda. These topics were covered just to make you aware about what you eat while thinking it would e a healthy thing for me. But in real life it is not. There are more such food combinations that are not good while we eat them in combine. But we have mentioned the most commonly used or eaten combos. Most of us eat these combos once in a week and many of us eat it on a daily basis. Most of the people will say that I am eating this combination from so long, still I did not get any adverse effect. So to address their answer I would like to tell you all the people have different prakriti and different metabolic rates.
May be some of you have a good digestive system so that is why you are able to digest this combination at this age. But as you grow, your digestive system weakens and leads to several digestive problems like gas, bloating, ulcers, poor digestion, acidity and etc. So be mindful what you eat and stay healthy for your younger self.